Volume I, Number
Avete, Comilitiones.
Well, as usual,
November was a real
Myself, Chris Stewart, Alex Kyrychenko, Chris Damour, Alex Matras, Andrew Magee, Martin Kealey, and new members Jesse Bailey and John McKinnell represented the Legion and all managed to have a good time. Jesse unveiled the “soft kit” portion of his evolving Auxiliary Cavalry impression, while John McKinnell suited up as an Auxiliary Infantryman in our loaner kit along with Chris Damour and Andrew Magee. Alex Matras’ kitted out as a legionary for the first time, using only a few items borrowed from Rusty since he is making such great progress on his own legionary equipment.
Once again we were very thankful for the unbelievable feast Saturday night, all due to the efforts of that paragon of women, Michelle Stewart. She really outdid herself this time, and I for one could hardly eat on Sunday as a result.
Finally, many thanks
are due to
those guys who could stay behind on Sunday to help Rusty with folding
camp. We were able to get him out of
there by
In addition, both of
the school
visits went very well. Alex K. and I had
a good time at the
November Workshop:
We had a pretty small group for the workshop this time, which was mostly devoted to the loaner kits. Alex K., Alex M. and I were able to get the Auxiliary clipei for Loaner Kits #1 and #2 completed with brass rims and umboa, finishing those kits completely as well as ensuring that we had enough auxiliary kit available for Castra. It was a hard day’s work, but they look great as the pics from the event attest. We also had enough time and energy left over to cut the blanks for the shields required for Loaner Kits #3 and #4, bringing our final loaner gear that much closer to completion. Really, really appreciate the guys who are making the time to come to the workshops.
Member News:
We got a new member – John McKinnell – who decided to join us while at Castra. John in a re-enactment comrade of Jesse Bailey and Glen Kyle, and has already started on his kit by purchasing a helmet from SOTW while at Castra. He and his new Imperial Gallic “G” are a great addition to Legio XI and we look forward to including John in all of our future events and workshops.
We have several member projects on-going. Alex Matras finshed his new balteus and was displaying it proudly at Castra – it looked great! Andrew Magee and Jesse Bailey are both making great progress on their baltei – Andrew needs about another good day on his, while Jesse has ordered his plates so is able to start on the leather work.
We have several scuta in the works – Brian Lauthen and Andrew Magee both have blanks complete with the handles and bracing attached. All they need at this point is to have the linen and/or leather coverings and they will be ready for paint, rims, and umboa. We have a blank prepared for Chris Damour, and I passed enough bendable birch plywood to Chris Stewart so he can start blanks for those members who need them. Both Alex Kyrychenko and I intend to use it to construct Republican-era scuta.
Remember – anytime someone needs help with a project I am usually available every weekend to assist.
Loaner Gear and
Financial Report:
Loaner Kits #1 and #2 are complete, featuring every item of the Basic Kit with the exception of a balteus and caligae, which will not be included.
More good news here on Loaner Kits #3 and #4. We are making steady progress on the Kessel-pattern shield for Kit #3. The blank and interior bracing have been cut, and all other materials (linen, leather, umbo and brass sheet) are on hand. From this point on, it’s just a matter of painting and assembly. Aside from this shield, all Kit #3 needs to be fully complete is a hamata and a hasta. For Kit #4, we received the Find-It Armory Fulham gladius, and the umbo for the clipeus. Rusty also made us a great deal, so I was able to get one of the NEW Deepeeka Imperial Gallic “C” helmets – it is really sweet and I can’t wait to see someone wearing it. I have cut out the clipeus and internal bracing, with all other materials on-hand as per #3 above. Once we finish this shield, we will need a hamata, hasta, and pugio for Kit #4 to complete it. All four of our impressions were available for use at Castra (through the use of some members’ personal gear) although we only needed to field three of them.
My goal remains to finish all of these impressions ($$ permitting) for the GAJCL Convention at the end of April ’08.
is what we have on-hand and on-order for Loaner Impressions #3 and #4:
On Hand:
2 x Germanic tunics
2 x Over-tunics
2 x Braccae
1 x Celtic/Germanic gladius (for
Kit #3)
1 x Fulham gladius (for Kit #4)
1 x Leather balteus (for Kit
1 x seax and
scabbard (for
Kit #3)
1 x
1 x Imperial Gallic “C” helmet (for Kit
Materials for both shields, to include umboa
On Order:
1 x Subarmalis (for Kit #4)
Financially, we have $122.00 on-hand in the fiscus. My next intended purchase will be the hamata for loaner Kit #4. We can field Kit #3 without armor for the time being since it is not required for that impression, and we have a couple of extra hastae between Alex K. and myself.
Upcoming Events:
13-16 Dec: “One Night in
Upcoming Workshops:
Next workshop is scheduled for Saturday, 15 December at Chris Stewart’s house (map posted in the “Files” section on the Yahoo Website). We’ll continue work on shields (or whatever other projects members need to complete) and then head on over to the church as a group.
Gaius Aurelius Calvus (Edge Gibbons)